Daily School Procedures
The school day begins at 7:40am -and ends at 2:10pm. The HRE front office is open from 7:15am – 2:55pm during the school year.
You can reach the office by calling 317-915-4240.
Reporting Absences and Late Arrivals
Please notify the office of all absences and late arrivals by 8:00 a.m. Absences must be reported to the OFFICE to be excused. You can leave a message on the attendance line by calling (317)915-4240 and selecting option 2; or speak to the office staff. When leaving a message, please include your student’s name, grade, teacher, and the reason for the absence or late arrival. If reporting a late arrival, please also include the approximate time your student will be arriving and their lunch choice.
If your student will be missing school for a pre-arranged absence of two or more days, please contact the office to get a pre-arranged absence form. This will need to be filled out and returned to the office prior to the absence.
Reporting Early Releases
If your child needs to leave early, please send a note (signed and dated) to the teacher including your student’s name, the time of pick-up, and name of the person picking up. The person picking up the student will need to show their valid driver’s license to check the student out. We will call your student down when they arrive. We ask that early release students are picked up by 1:55.
If sending a note is not possible, please call the office to report the early release. Without written consent, only people listed in Skyward as family or emergency contacts will be allowed to check the student out.
Early Release from Fieldtrips
If you are chaperoning a fieldtrip and would like to take your child home with you, please email the principal to get preapproval to have your child leave early. Mrs. Ricketts's email is jricketts@hse.k12.in.us. We do ask that you send your request 24-48 hours prior to the trip. Please note: Early releases are noted on your student’s attendance record.
Forgotten Items
If a student forgets an item at home and needs a parent to drop the item off at school during school hours, please bring it in to the front office. Please label the item with your child’s first and last name and their teacher’s name. We will let the teacher know it is here. If you are ever sending money in for your child, please be sure that it is in a sealed envelope clearly labeled with your child’s name, teacher’s name, student ID #, and what the money is for.
Lunch Visitors
HRE will allow lunch visitors starting after Labor Day. In order to get on the lunch visitor list, you must have a valid HSE SafeVisitor background check on file. Due to limited space in our cafeteria, we can only have one visitor per grade level per day. To get on the visitor list, you MUST call the school the day you would like to visit to see if there is availability for your child's grade level. We will take calls for lunch visitors any time before your child's lunch starts, but if you wish to order a school lunch, you must call to place your order no later than 8:30am. Adult lunches cost $4.30 and must be paid using exact cash or a check made out to HRE. The cafeteria does not keep cash on hand so it will not be possible to make change and the district does not allow adult meals to be charged to student's lunch accounts. No fast food or soda is allowed in the cafeteria.
Change Your Drop Off and Pick Up Plans
School Dismissal Manager is used for some daily dismissal changes including appointments, absences, and changing dismissal type.
From within the portal, parents can schedule recurring exceptions such as carpool on Wednesday only, or YMCA every day, etc. Any changes need to be made by 1:00 pm
Volunteering at HRE
Please review the SafeVisitor information to learn more about the process and begin the steps for your background check.
Visitors/volunteers/chaperones MUST have a Safevisitor background check on file with Hamilton Southeastern Schools to be allowed to volunteer or chaperone in the building or for events.
Who Can Pick Up My Student(s)
If a student needs to leave early for any reason, only family and individuals listed on a student's approved Skyward list can pick up the student.
Under the "Family and Emergency Contact" tab in Skyward, list your approved people to pick up your student. Approved individuals must show a valid Driver's License.